
New blog pages: Druidic satchels and Rune Carving

Druidic Satchels
Rune Carving

Sneak peeks

Updates in December

6th December: Winter Village comes back and a there's a new beginning to the game to experience for new players

13th December: New winter horses, pets and quests

20th December: New Shire and Icelandic horses, quests

27th December: New years party and new show jumping race

3rd January: Last week of the Winter Festival and plan B for players that didn't manage to get all the rewards

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Ardennes coming to Jorvik in January 2024

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New horses in the Winter Village: 13th December

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Star Stable's blog

Star Stable November Blog: Winter Festival and Hollow Woods

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Welcome to the app that will help you with rune carving!

Choose the grid size, pick the runes by clicking on the right circles on the stone and then pick a change you'd like to make.


Grid size





90° Rotate Right

90° Rotate Left

180° Rotate


Vertical Flip

Horizontal Flip

Move by 1

Move 1 down

Move 1 up

Move 1 left

Move 1 right

Move by 2

Move 2 down

Move 2 up

Move 2 left

Move 2 right


Secret Locations

 These are the places that before we visit them, are called secret locations in the discovered areas tab. The only hint we get so we can find them is their describtion.
The discovered areas tab can be found in a window with the map.
Many secret locations are easy to find and we visit them during quests. However there are other locations that require an eye of a true explorer to be found!
All the secret locations:

Secret Smuggler Place

The smugglers from Goldenhills Valley sometimes need somewhere to store their goods away from the long arm of the law.

X: 76 Y: 164 - The Forgotten Fields, opposite to the Goldenhills Valley.

The Old Bunker

A relic from a more dangerous time. Nowadays, all that can be heard are the waves breaking on the shore.

X: 49 Y: 333 - Western Epona, Shipwreck Shore.

Poison Pond

Bathing forbidden.

X: 76 Y: 320 - Western Epona, behind the Crescent Moon Village.

Ruined Entrance

In the shadow of the fort, high above the sea.

X: 113 Y: 367 - New Hillcrest, below closed Fort Maria.


Secret Location

Two ancient forts tower up on either side of this place.

Not available.

Old Wreck

The sheep bleat away on a little island where the sun always shines.

X: 141 Y: 378 - New Hillcrest, on the end of Sunset Island.


The mists give this place a kind of invisibility, regardless of the time of day.

X: 164 Y: 320 - Eastern Epona, Mirror Marshes.

Abandoned Picnic

Some shop owners have taken a nice break here. They must have left in a hurry as they have left a hat behind.

X: 35 Y: 269 - Paddock Island, on a hill with a view on the biggest paddock on that island.

Unsuccesful gift

A faint scent of fish mixed with a fresh forest breeze.

 X: 86 Y: 271 - The Harvest Counties, Ingun's Cliff, behind the house.


To get to the secret location, slide down the cliff behind the house.

  Old Runestone

G.E.D. has been here for a long time, but they haven’t found this place yet.

X: 9 Y: 222 - The Harvest Counties, behind G.E.D. Exploration Station Alpha.


  Turn to the G.E.D. Exploration Station Alpha.
Ride through the whole Exploration Station, jump over the hole and continue going forward on the underwater path.

Under the road

The sound of hooves on wood can be heard from above here.

X: 142 Y: 244 - Under the bridge leading from the Harvest Counties to Silverglade.

Pumpkin Cliff

You can see Scarecrow Hill, the riding arena, Silverglade Castle and Silverglade Village. The bridge to Moorland peeks from behind the rocks.

X: 114 Y: 226 - Nearby the road leading to the Forgotten Fields, you can see Greendale from here.
You can get to the cliff by a not very visible, steep path.

An old boathouse

Through the bushes you can see a beautiful stone bridge.

X: 244 Y: 188 - On a beach near the bridge leading to Firgrove.

Old Druid Circle

The view must have been spectacular from here before someone put up this big sign.

X: 209 Y: 217 - The Golden Fields, behind the billboard, above G.E.D. Construction Site.

Everwind Dumping Site

Maybe it's the workers from the North Link who have dumped their trash here on the road to Silverglade Village?

X: 175 Y: 144 - Everwind Fields.

Smugglers' Hideout

The Moorland Stable is both close and far away.

X: 162 Y: 243 - Moorland, you can get there starting from the Birch Hill and riding under the bridge to Harvest Counties.

Abandoned Farm

Once upon a time this must have been a good place to live, with the stunning view over Moorland Stable and all.

X: 168 Y: 234 - Nilmer's Highland.

A Mystic Wagon

I wonder who's sleeping here?

X: 152 Y: 220 - Nilmer's Highland.

Fisherman's Hut

From here the only thing you see is the sea and Fort Pinta.

X: 259 Y: 251 - Firgrove, on a little isle by the beach, nearby Apple Grove.

Mountain Dumping Site

You can hear the noise from the tunnel they're building through the mountains. Maybe they are behind this?

X: 326 Y: 223 - Firgrove, nearby the cottage in the mountains.

Mountaineer's Hut

It’s not easy to get here. The only path begins near the Mountain Pass.

X: 313 Y: 162 - In the Firgrove Mountains.

Mountain Vista

Halfway up the mountains you can see the Silversong River below.

X: 280 Y: 171 - Firgrove.

UFO Crash Site

No human hands could have built this, or…?

X: 137 Y: 119 - In the mountains above Baroness' Racetrack.

Water Mill

The peaceful river runs gently past.

X: 268 Y: 140 - Hollow Woods, by the river.

Mountain Druid Grove

Many people come here before they start in the highest race in Silverglade.

X: 345 Y: 115 - In the mountains near Valedale Lake.

Spymaster's Hideout

A secretive person's hideout up among the snow-covered mountains.

X: 327 Y: 79 - A cave in mountains above Valedale.

Silverglade Observatory

  A perfect place to watch the stars, high up in the north mountains.

X: 197 Y: 106 - High up in the mountains above the Everwind Fields.

Hillside Construction Site

Between the pines you can see a fence blocking the road to the west.

X: 133 Y: 197- On a hill by Silverglade Manor, by Pauline's races' routes.

Cozy picnic spot

Not far from here you can hear the sound of a Blacksmith's forge.

X: 189 Y: 229 - Moorland, above Conrad's forge.

Frozen Vale Lake

If horses could ice skate, this place would be pretty popular!

X: 322 Y: 57 - In the middle of Valley of Hidden Dinosaur.

The hidden dinosaur

The item gives its name to the valley itself.

X: 328 Y: 34 - Valley of Hidden Dinosaur.

Icepeak Island

Protruding through the lake, this island is the highest point around.

X: 340 Y: 32 - Valley of Hidden Dinosaur.


A home for cold people.

X: 348 Y: 25 - Valley of Hidden Dinosaur.

Ice Forest

Clusters of frozen trees.

X: 351 Y: 55 - Valley of Hidden Dinosaur.

The Valley of Frozen Mist

The mist is heavier here than anywhere else.

X: 391 Y: 84 - Valley of Hidden Dinosaur.

The Ashen Steep

Blackened and burned.

X: 365 Y: 57 - Valley o Hidden Dinosaur, bridge leading to closed entrance to Ashland.

Nic Stoneground's Camp

What do a fridge and a balloon have in common?

X: 308 Y: 48 - Valley of Hidden Dinosaur.

Another route out of the valley.

X: 320 Y: 11 - Valley of Hidden Dinosaur.

Secret Location

Not everything that's hidden is bones...

Not available

The Old Elevator

Everyone has to pass by here on their way to the valley.

X: 297 Y: 70 - Valley of Hidden Dinosaur, the entrance.

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